Dynamic Window Manager (Suckless)

Dynamic Window Manager (Suckless)

The suckless developers created DWM, which stands for dynamic window manager. It’s a tiling window manager with a minimalist design. It takes less than 500MB of RAM and only a few processes when it first starts up. First and foremost, there is only one correct way to install dwm and other Suckless tools: from source (either straight from suckless.org).

What is DWM ?

The suckless developers created DWM, which stands for dynamic window manager. It’s a tiling window manager with a minimalist design. It takes less than 500MB of RAM and only a few processes when it first starts up. First and foremost, there is only one correct way to install dwm and other Suckless tools: from source (either straight from suckless.org , or from your own build, or from someone else’s build, though I wouldn’t recommend that unless you really trust the person) and compile it yourself.

Dependencies for DWM

**On Arch Linux:**sudo pacman -S base base-devel libx11 libxft libxinerama freetype2 fontconfig
{after installation & before install dwm}: sudo pacman -S xorg xorg-server xorg-apps xorg-xinit xclip

<!> we have already install all dependencies of dwm before <!>

How to install DWM

Here i have already installed Arch and gnome in it, hence i also have a Display manager and will be explaining , on how to start dwm using startx.

step1: Clone

As a result, the first step in installing DWM is to clone the github source from suckless or anyone else. Let’s now create a directory for all of the repositories(You may call your directory whatever you wish)

mkdir .suckless
cd .suckless

Now lets clone the repository required for our build , here for simplicity we will be using st as the default terminal. You can change your preferred terminal in config.h file in the dwm directory.

git clone https://github.com/0xzipp0/dwm.git
git clone https://github.com/0xZipp0/st.git
git clone https://github.com/0xzipp0/dmenu.git

step 2 : Compiling the code

Now to need to go the dwm , st and dmenu directory to make and then run sudo make install. For making it easier for you , you can copy the code below and run it in your terminal.

cd .suckless
cd dwm
sudo make clean install

cd st
sudo make clean install
cd ..

cd dmenu
sudo make clean install

step 3 :Starting dwm

If you’re using startx, simply add exec /usr/local/bin/dwm at the end of your .xinitrc file on Linux

**cp /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc /home/user/.xinitrc** 

edit this copy of the pre exisitng .xinitrc file by delting last fe lines and replacing with e

exec dwm or with loop:

while true; do
				dwm >/dev/null 2&1